Friday, May 17, 2013
Cruiser Motorcycles Cruiser Motorcycles for Sale Cruiser Motorcycles Reviews Custom Cruiser Motorcycles

classic cruiser motorcycles
In the history of motorcycle design and development, there is a special category that belongs to the Americans outright. A correct definition of this class of cars called cruisers, but they are also known as custom bikes and choppers. Custom Chopper market much attention in recent years with television shows like Orange County Choppers and Jesse James West Coast Choppers tightened. With the advent of the helicopter market began sometime after the Second World War, when soldiers returning from overseas were required for the type of clear motorcycle, looking for the country to tour. spread phenomenon of motorcycle gangs who hack or not to strip their bikes bikes go faster parts have managed outlaw began. Easier and faster they go hacked.

compare cruiser motorcycles
Over time, and the chopper bikes was something cool, something different ride than the regular guy next door. Advanced forks, input fields, lots of chrome and custom paint jobs in the helicopter turned into works of art. Movies like Easy Rider with Peter Fonda remains elevated status of these bikes from all others. Over time, and manufacturers began to increase production and cruiser motorcycles began by conventional markets. Both U.S. companies such as Harley Davidson, and their competitors from Japan, began making crosses for the mass market. These wheels have proved a great success for the producers.

250cc cruiser motorcycles
There is even a class cruiser on the market today known as power cruisers. These motorcycles, the original design ideas cruisers, but it packs a lot more power. The larger engine, more cylinders and high power hp, some features of the two wheels.